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Owner Surrender Information
We know it is difficult and that 
you love your dog
and want what is best.

If circumstances prevent you from keeping your poodle or poodle mix, we may be able to help.  Please fill out our  "Surrender Form" and a volunteer will call to discuss the possibilities of assisting you.  We do not charge a surrender fee.  If you can afford to contribute to our surrender service, we would welcome your donation.  This can be done easily by visiting our Donate page.  We are a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. 


NorCal Poodle Rescue is an Adoption Guarantee organization. We rehabilitate and rehome all healthy and treatable animals in our care and reserve euthanasia only for unhealthy and untreatable animals.  NCPR honors the definitions of unhealthy and untreatable as described by the Asilomar Accords:


The terms "unhealthy and untreatable"  include all dogs who, at or subsequent to the time they are taken into possession,
1) Have a behavioral or temperamental characteristic that poses a health or safety risk or otherwise makes the animal unsuitable for placement as a pet, and are not likely to become "healthy" or "treatable" even if provided the care typically provided to pets by reasonable and caring pet owners/guardians in the community; or
2) Are suffering from a disease, injury, or congenital or hereditary condition that adversely affects the animal's health or is likely to adversely affect the animal's health in the future, and are not likely to become "healthy" or "treatable" even if provided the care typically provided to pets by reasonable and caring pet owners/guardians in the community.

​NorCal Poodle Rescue, Inc. is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  Our taxpayer ID number (EIN) is  94-3192264.

101 W. McKnight Way, Suite B416 Grass Valley, CA    Phone: (925) 322-0223 (mailing only) Kennel located in Modesto

Copyright 2017-2025 NorCal Poodle Rescue, Inc.

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